Order the Profiteroles

I finally assembled today's blog at 11:00 last night.  Why?  Because I ordered the profiteroles at dinner last week instead of scampering home and writing the blog.  I regret it...kinda.  The good news is you have your stitch, I had my profiteroles (my all-time favorite dessert) with the one and only Ginabean, and it's a holiday today!  Let's celebrate all of the above with a super fun tramme stitch.

Click on image to see on whimsicalstitch.com's Pinterest account. Visit pinterest.com/whimsicalstitch/whimsicalwednesday for a library of all #whimsicalwednesday and #smallspacesunday stitch diagrams.

Click on image to see on whimsicalstitch.com's Pinterest account. Visit pinterest.com/whimsicalstitch/whimsicalwednesday for a library of all #whimsicalwednesday and #smallspacesunday stitch diagrams.

Click on image to see on whimsicalstitch.com's Instagram account. Visit instagram.com/whimsicalstitch to see a library of stitched samples for select #whimsicalwednesday and #smallspacesunday stitch diagrams.

Click on image to see on whimsicalstitch.com's Instagram account. Visit instagram.com/whimsicalstitch to see a library of stitched samples for select #whimsicalwednesday and #smallspacesunday stitch diagrams.

The stitched sample uses Elegance (dark gray lines), Trebizond Silk (turquoise lines), and Kreinik Metallics Fine Braid (#8) on 18-mesh.  It's a wonderful tone on tone combo that highlights the beautiful shading of the flowers.

This stitch would be even more dramatic with different colors and/or finishes.  I would love to see it as a roof with Very Velvet, Silk Straw, and maybe some Fine Kid (by & more threads).  Another idea is for a coat or bag with Sparkle Rays for the base thread (dark gray line) with Soie D'Alger (turquoise lines) and a dramatic Kreinik Metallic for the center accent stitch (the aqua line).  I'm thinking a Kreinik holographic threads (indicated by an L after the color number) would be perfect.  They are a wonderful burst of even more color than the "typical" Kreinik. 

This stitch diagram, along with all other #whimsicalwednesday and #smallspacesunday stitch diagrams, can also be found on a Pinterest board here.

Be sure to follow whimsicalstitch.com on FacebookPinterestInstagram, and Twitter.

If you like what you see on this blog, want to learn some very creative decorative stitches, and how to put them all together, whimsicalstitch.com sells Stitch Guides and Stitch Concepts for Melissa Shirley Designs, Zecca Designs, and Patience Brewster. Click here to see the 20 newest guides and click here to see the entire collection.

I hope you have the perfect spot for this stitch!  Please enjoy and have a happy and safe 4th!  

A Note about Diagrams
I use color in diagrams to make them as clear as possible.  The primary function of different colored lines is to illustrate a stitch sequence.  For example, layering of colors demonstrates you add them in that order.  They can also provide ideas on how to integrate additional threads (one line for each color).  Or, you can use the same thread for all color lines.  That's where I encourage you to use your imagination for the space you are stitching!