My Village Rocks

Today's stitch comes from our friend, Ruth Schmuff.  The core element for this stitch is from one of my current favorite stitches.  I love how she multiplied and flipped it around to make it more compelling.  Needless to say, I wish I thought of it.

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Click on image to see on's Instagram account. Visit to see a library of stitched samples for select #whimsicalwednesday and #smallspacesunday stitch diagrams.

The stitched sample is a bevy of fun threads including Soie D'Alger (green), Petite Silk Lame (gray), and Gloriana Silk (overdye). This is from Ellen Giggenbach's Fantail from (available here).   It's part of a small hill behind a beautiful leaf. 

Clearly, this is a stitch for a larger space.  It would make a beautiful coat on a large dramatic Santa stand-up.  It's a perfect ground covering as you can use the middle stitch (the turquoise line) to add a second color or texture.  Add a bead (over two rows on the vertical) to the open 2X2 center, mix it with a Petite Silk Lame (gray lines) and Kreinik (turquoise line) for water.   If you are #teamfullcoverage, add an Upright Tied Cross to the open diamond and a Smyrna Cross to the 2X2 section for very glamorous clothing, border, or flower center.  There are a lot of ways to play with this stitch.

This stitch diagram, along with all other #whimsicalwednesday and #smallspacesunday stitch diagrams, can also be found on a Pinterest board here.

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If you like what you see on this blog, want to learn some very creative decorative stitches, and how to put them all together, sells stitch guides and stitch concepts for Melissa Shirley Designs, Zecca Designs, and Patience Brewster. Click here to see the newest guides and click here to see the entire collection.

I hope you have the perfect spot for this stitch!  Please enjoy!

It Takes a Village

It's been a little nutty around here for the last few weeks, so I counted on my village of stitcher friends to get me through.  Today's stitch is inspired by a project a friend shared with me a couple years ago.  I've included it on many personal and student projects. It's easy, versatile, and well-behaved.  

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I say well-behaved because this stitch just adapts to whatever area you put it in.  The example above is from a Santa coat, using Vineyard Silk and Shimmer Ribbon.  I've used or recommended it for snowmen with Crystal Braid (gray lines) and Flair (aqua lines), fruit with Soie D'Alger (gray lines) and Trebizond Silk (aqua lines), and backgrounds with Perle Cotton (gray lines ) and Kreinik Metallic (aqua lines).  And they all worked.

You could reduce the texture of the 2X2 square by replacing the Smryna Cross with four tent stitches or a 2X2 Mosaic stitch.  That combination makes me want to try it for a tabletop, a floor, or even a field of grass.  There are a lot of ways to play with this stitch.

This stitch diagram, along with all other #whimsicalwednesday and #smallspacesunday stitch diagrams, can also be found on a Pinterest board here.

Be sure to follow on FacebookPinterestInstagram, and Twitter.

If you like what you see on this blog, want to learn some very creative decorative stitches, and how to put them all together, sells stitch guides and stitch concepts for Melissa Shirley Designs, Zecca Designs, and Patience Brewster.  61 guides are currently available, with 13 new Stitch Concepts just added! Click here to see the newest guides and click here to see the entire collection.

I hope you have the perfect spot for this stitch!  Please enjoy!

Flip Flop

Today's #stitchingsunday is a riff on a post from last year.  

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Click on image to see on's Pinterest account. Visit for a library of all #whimsicalwednesday and #smallspacesunday stitch diagrams.

She stitched up one of her new ornaments with a very recent #whimsicalwednesday stitch.  So, of course I love the stitch but I'm thrilled she flipped it on its side.  The stitched sample uses two plies of Soie D'Alger and a Sundance bead.   

This stitch diagram, along with all other #whimsicalwednesday and #smallspacesunday stitch diagrams, can also be found on a Pinterest board here.

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If you like what you see on this blog, want to learn some very creative decorative stitches, and how to put them all together, sells stitch guides and stitch concepts for Melissa Shirley Designs, Zecca Designs, and Patience Brewster. 61 guides are currently available, with 13 new Stitch Concepts just added! Click here to see the newest guides and click here to see the entire collection.

I hope you have the perfect spot for this stitch! Enjoy!  Happy #smallspacesunday!

It's About the Stitches...and the Threads

Today's stitch is a variation on a common theme on  I do love my Oblique upright crosses.  But what I really like about this is the understated thread combination.

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This is the shirt from Joachin by Sandra Gilmore that I stitched in the early 2000's.  The threads are a single strand of Impressions (gray lines) and an overdyed floss for the vertical straight stitches in the center (aqua lines). I'm so used to mixing thread finishes in a stitch, this popped out to me.  It's a nice reminder contrast isn't exclusively thread finish.

As with most perfectly symmetrical stitches, this would be great for architectural elements such as a roof, floor, tabletop, or walls.  We see it works for clothing.  It would also make a great tree trunk or other greenery.  Not all greenery needs to be dramatic.  This is a good companion stitch where you have multiple green spaces.  Put the drama in the one you want to stand out and use this stitch for the other.  

Consider replacing the vertical straight stitch (aqua lines) with a single bead over two rows (in either direction!) for water, clothing, or even flower petals.  The bead technique makes this a more open stitch, so the shading will show through.

This stitch diagram, along with all other #whimsicalwednesday and #smallspacesunday stitch diagrams, can also be found on a Pinterest board here.

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If you like what you see on this blog, want to learn some very creative decorative stitches, and how to put them all together, sells stitch guides and stitch concepts for Melissa Shirley Designs, Zecca Designs, and Patience Brewster.  61 guides are currently available, with 13 new Stitch Concepts just added! Click here to see the newest guides and click here to see the entire collection.

I hope you have the perfect spot for this stitch!  Please enjoy!


I wanted a stitch.  I wanted a different kind of stitch.  I wanted a different kind of stitch that I liked.  Voila!  Enter the Marquis sisters.  We now have a stitch! 

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Click on image to see on's Instagram account. Visit to see a library of stitched samples for select #whimsicalwednesday and #smallspacesunday stitch diagrams.

Eleanor and Liz (the aforementioned sisters) used this as a background for an Art Deco Melissa Shirley witch.  It's quite perfect as the background available to stitch was somewhat narrow and tall.  Eleanor used a single strand of Floche.  (Heart, be still.  I love Floche.)

This stitch offers a respectable amount of coverage for such an open stitch.  The doubling up of the hexagons is a nice touch and enhances the openness when paired with the long connectors. 

We already know it makes a great background.  I would love to flip it 90 degrees and use it as a sky or a body of water.  It will be great for architectural elements such as a roof, floor, wallpaper, etc.  When I play with it, I'm already thinking about stitch columns in alternating colors or finishes, or both.  For example, alternate a brown overdyed wool or cotton with a solid brown wool for a roof.  Another idea is to alternate two values of blue Kreiniks for a water stitch.

This stitch diagram, along with all other #whimsicalwednesday and #smallspacesunday stitch diagrams, can also be found on a Pinterest board here.

Be sure to follow on FacebookPinterestInstagram, and Twitter.

If you like what you see on this blog, want to learn some very creative decorative stitches, and how to put them all together, sells stitch guides and stitch concepts for Melissa Shirley Designs, Zecca Designs, and Patience Brewster.  61 guides are currently available, with 13 new Stitch Concepts just added! Click here to see the newest guides and click here to see the entire collection.

I hope you have the perfect spot for this stitch!  Please enjoy! And thank you, Eleanor! 

Skinny Minny

I needed something different for a narrow and tall tree.  I love the Upright Cross Stitch for a tree, so I just put it on a diet. 

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Click on image to see on's Pinterest account. Visit for a library of all #whimsicalwednesday and #smallspacesunday stitch diagrams.

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The stitched sample uses six plies of DMC Cotton Floss and a cute pearl from SJ Designs on 13-mesh.  The open intersection is 2X2 rows.  If a large embellishment isn't the right thing for your space, consider a size 11 bead over two rows, four French Knots, four beads, an Upright Cross, or even a Smryna Cross.  If you would like less texture, consider four tent stitches, a 2X2 Mosaic stitch, or leaving it open.

In case you haven't figured it out yet, I love Lorikeet for greenery.  In my opinion, mixing Lorikeet with a solid color thread is always a good look.  Consider Lorikeet for the gray lines and Glisten or Planet Earth Silk Opal for the accent stitch.   

This would make really pretty clothing with silk floss, such as Soie D'Alger or Waterlilies, combined with beads or a bright metallic.

Flip it 90 degrees and I think you have a wonderful water stitch.  For that, I would use a lightweight metallic and a bead, such as Kreinik size 8 and a size 11 bead (on 13-mesh) or Kreinik size 4 and a size 14/15 bead (on 18-mesh).   

This stitch diagram, along with all other #whimsicalwednesday and #smallspacesunday stitch diagrams, can also be found on a Pinterest board here.

Be sure to follow on FacebookPinterestInstagram, and Twitter.

If you like what you see on this blog, want to learn some very creative decorative stitches, and how to put them all together, sells stitch guides and stitch concepts for Melissa Shirley Designs, Zecca Designs, and Patience Brewster.  61 guides are currently available, with 13 new Stitch Concepts just added! Click here to see the newest guides and click here to see the entire collection.

I hope you have the perfect spot for this stitch!  Please enjoy!


Today's stitch is an ode to short, powerful, and surprising.  Kinda like my dear friend, Gina(bean).  She's all kinds of short and awesome, just like today's stitch.  I think the technical name is Alternating Diagonal Mosaic, but I know it as the Ginabean.

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Click on image to see on's Instagram account. Visit to see a library of stitched samples for select #whimsicalwednesday and #smallspacesunday stitch diagrams.

The stitched sample is Soie D'Alger with Entice for the accent.  Two things happened on the way to the stitched sample.  First, I really liked the stitch without the accent.  But, I also love it with the accent!  So, your stitched sample is both.  Magic! 

This stitch would make a great small almost anything.  The diagram includes a bead; the stitched sample uses a Cross Stitch in lieu of the bead.  The bead version would make fantastic water, angel wings, small dresses or aprons, somewhere where you may want a little extra pop or extra added femininity.  I see the Cross Stitch version as more multi-purpose.  Sure, I would use it for any of the items I mentioned for the bead as well as clouds, receding landscape, tree leaves, roof, water, angel wings, small dresses or aprons.  I think you get the idea.  

This stitch diagram, along with all other #whimsicalwednesday and #smallspacesunday stitch diagrams, can also be found on a Pinterest board here.

Be sure to follow on FacebookPinterestInstagram, and Twitter.

If you like what you see on this blog, want to learn some very creative decorative stitches, and how to put them all together, sells stitch guides and stitch concepts for Melissa Shirley Designs, Zecca Designs, and Patience Brewster. 61 guides are currently available, with 13 new Stitch Concepts just added! Click here to see the newest guides and click here to see the entire collection.

I hope you have the perfect spot for this stitch! Enjoy!  Happy #smallspacesunday!

An Oldie but Goodie

Today's stitch is from one of my favorite workshop pieces.  I remember it well because this was one of the first times I changed a stitch on a workshop piece.  I felt like I was being so naughty!  To this day, I have no regrets.

Click on image to see on's Pinterest account. Visit for a library of all #whimsicalwednesday and #smallspacesunday stitch diagrams.

Click on image to see on's Pinterest account. Visit for a library of all #whimsicalwednesday and #smallspacesunday stitch diagrams.

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Click on image to see on's Instagram account. Visit to see a library of stitched samples for select #whimsicalwednesday and #smallspacesunday stitch diagrams.

So, the bad news is I can't find the original stitched piece.  While that is embarrassing on many levels, it turns out to be a wonderful opportunity for us.  I stitched the sample using two different thread approaches.  The blue is the lovely and glorious Pashmina from Gloriana Threads.  The red is a matte/metallic combo with Vineyard Silk and Entice.  The point in providing both is the combo illustrates that the bottom thread is still visible, even clearly so.  (And I'm kinda digging the stripes.)

The original inspiration (that I'm still looking for) is a Vineyard Silk for a bush in a lovely yard scene.  This stitch is perfect for greenery and the like because it adds texture that is always good for shrubs.  Using the stitched sample as a thought-starter, play with it for a Santa's bag, basket, winter clothing, or even a rug.  If you are looking for a little less texture, try using flatter threads, such as Fyre Werks or silk or cotton floss, may reduce the texture a bit.  Also mix it up a little by using a metallic for the black lines and a matte thread for the gray lines.  

This stitch diagram, along with all other #whimsicalwednesday and #smallspacesunday stitch diagrams, can also be found on a Pinterest board here.

Be sure to follow on FacebookPinterestInstagram, and Twitter.

If you like what you see on this blog, want to learn some very creative decorative stitches, and how to put them all together, sells stitch guides and stitch concepts for Melissa Shirley Designs, Zecca Designs, and Patience Brewster.  61 guides are currently available, with 13 new Stitch Concepts just added! Click here to see the newest guides and click here to see the entire collection.

I hope you have the perfect spot for this stitch!  Please enjoy!

Still Wishing I Was Tall

Today's stitch is something that has been flitting in and out of my Pinterest feed.  It's an easy way to add height to any area and looks good to boot.  Win win!

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Click on image to see on's Pinterest account. Visit for a library of all #whimsicalwednesday and #smallspacesunday stitch diagrams.

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Click on image to see on's Instagram account. Visit to see a library of stitched samples for select #whimsicalwednesday and #smallspacesunday stitch diagrams.

The stitched sample is me playing with Kreinik 1/16" Ribbon and Gloriana Florimel (silk floss) that I had laying around to be put away.  I'm happy I did it in an atypical color combo because it illustrates the tall drama of this otherwise unassuming stitch.

Frankly, the Cross Stitch accent is completely optional, so the stitch could also enhance any beautiful painting. This would be wonderful as a field of grass, on either the horizontal or vertical axis.   Keeping the Cross Stitch intact, this would make an intriguing tree trunk.  Any wool or cotton floss would work for the turquoise lines.  Have fun with the Cross Stitch here.  Use Rainbow LInen or Straw Silk, as thought-starters.

This tall symmetry of this stitch also lends itself for elegant architectural applications, such as the columns of a fireplace mantle, or a door.   It would make a fantastic roof, especially on the horizontal axis.

This stitch diagram, along with all other #whimsicalwednesday and #smallspacesunday stitch diagrams, can also be found on a Pinterest board here.

Be sure to follow on FacebookPinterestInstagram, and Twitter.

If you like what you see on this blog, want to learn some very creative decorative stitches, and how to put them all together, sells stitch guides and stitch concepts for Melissa Shirley Designs, Zecca Designs, and Patience Brewster.  61 guides are currently available, with 13 new Stitch Concepts just added! Click here to see the newest guides and click here to see the entire collection.

I hope you have the perfect spot for this stitch!  Please enjoy!

It Sure Doesn't Look Small

Today's stitch packs a lot of interesting detail for a small stitch. And it's fantastic.

Click on image to see on's Pinterest account. Visit for a library of all #whimsicalwednesday and #smallspacesunday stitch diagrams.

Click on image to see on's Pinterest account. Visit for a library of all #whimsicalwednesday and #smallspacesunday stitch diagrams.

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Click on image to see on's Instagram account. Visit to see a library of stitched samples for select #whimsicalwednesday and #smallspacesunday stitch diagrams.

The stitched sample uses DMC Floss and Kreinik Metallic for a roof on a small house from a Melissa Shirley vintage Halloween village.  The symmetry makes it a perfect roof stitch.

The stitched sample used the same thread (the black Kreinik) to fill the open 2X2 intersections.  Using two different threads for those intersections, as the diagram illustrates, offers a bunch of fun ideas.  Consider it for a small coat or dress with Soie D'Alger for the black lines, Entice or Kreinik for the gray lines, and Petite Silk Lame for the turquoise lines.  Another idea is to combine Gloriana Lorikeet for the black lines, Straw Silk for the gray lines, and Vineyard Silk for the turquoise lines.  One last thought is to replace the gray lines with a bead and this could make a great small water stitch.  You can have a lot of fun with this.

This stitch diagram, along with all other #whimsicalwednesday and #smallspacesunday stitch diagrams, can also be found on a Pinterest board here.

Be sure to follow on FacebookPinterestInstagram, and Twitter.

If you like what you see on this blog, want to learn some very creative decorative stitches, and how to put them all together, sells stitch guides and stitch concepts for Melissa Shirley Designs, Zecca Designs, and Patience Brewster. 61 guides are currently available, with 13 new Stitch Concepts just added! Click here to see the newest guides and click here to see the entire collection.

I hope you have the perfect spot for this stitch! Enjoy!  Happy #smallspacesunday!