Sweet Sky

Welcome to the month of skies!  We kick off the month with a #smallspacesunday.

Today's stitch is the Step Stitch.  The openness allows the beautiful shading of most skies to show through the thread.  What I like most about it is its scalability.  You can do the stitches as small as two, or larger depending on your space.   

The diagram is over three, as is the stitched sample on Instagram.  The stitched sample also illustrates that it doesn't matter which direction you go on the diagonal.  The diagram is up to the left and the sample is up to the right.

As with most open stitches, I like to use a slightly lighter weight thread than a canvas typically calls for.  As an example, a dark night sky on a Christmas stocking (on 18 mesh) looks fantastic with a single strand of Petite Silk Lame.  Petite Silk Lame is the perfect combination of matte and metallic in one thread.  If you want your night sky to shimmer, consider Kreinik Metallics Very Fine Braid (#4) on 18 mesh.  For a daytime sky, my go to thread is Elegance, regardless of mesh size.   DMC and Anchor Pearl #8 and #12 are two more to consider, and they have a wider color selection.

This stitch diagram, along with other #whimsicalwednesday and #smallspacesunday stitch diagrams, can also be found on www.pinterest.com/whimsicalstitch/whimsicalwednesday.  

Be sure to follow whimsicalstitch.com on FacebookPinterestInstagram, and Twitter.

If you like what you see on this blog, want to learn some very creative decorative stitches, and how to put them all together, whimsicalstitch.com sells stitch guides for seasonal Melissa Shirley designs.  20 guides are currently available and more are in the pipeline.
